Boating Basics

Operators of motorized pleasure craft are required to show proof of operator competency (Failure to meet this requirement is a $250 fine) A Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) is one option to prove your competency. See FAQ for alternatives. To get your PCOC, you need to write a test approved by Transport Canada.
You can take the course on-line through the National Power and Sail Squadron website.
If you pass the exam offered by Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons, your Card is recognized by BOTH Transport Canada and The National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (USA).
The PCOC gives you the very basics of safe boating. It does not cover how to read a chart, convert between magnetic and true to plot a position or set a course. It doesn't cover more advanced collision regulations, tides and currents and many other subjects covered in the Boating Course.